Monday, February 18, 2008


I've just begun my third attempt at vermicomposting. I won't go into what went wrong with my previous 2 attempts, but suffice it to say third times a charm, right? I got a proper vermicomposter bin from someone on Freecycle. It's from the now defunct Toroto Municipal vermicompost program, as you can see by the label:

It's a good sized bin, larger than just Mr. Broccoli and I probably need, but it'll be good for me to use to get the hang of it and hopefully keep it going this time.

My cat is quite curious about this new contraption in the kitchen. Unfotunately, I couldn't get a shot of her looking into the bin when the top was off. She's not very considerate about posing for the camera. I did take a picture of the worms, though.

These are my little kitchen helpers. So far I've fed them twice. They got the solids from Mr. Broccoli's left over soup earlier in the week, and a yummy worm fruit salad yesterday, consisting of the banana peels from my banana bread, some mostly spoiled strawberries and a bit of corn and peas from when I still had to eat mushy foods (I couldn't actually eat the corn and peas, they were for Mr. Broccoli). I'm fascinated with the little guys. I've always liked watching worms, and Mr. Broccoli keeps having to tell me to put the lid down and leave them alone, or I'll just sit in front of the bin and watch them. I don't think that makes me weird.

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