Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Welcome to my world!

Have you ever been named for a vegetable? In about 8 and a half months when I marry my fiance, I will be. Whenever the subject of my name-to-be comes up with one of my friends, it ends in peals of laughter once the person I'm talking to says it out loud for the first time. Try it for yourself. Brooke + Ali = Broccoli.

I'll give you a minute to stop laughing. Are you ready? No, not yet? OK, I'll give you another minute. OK, all good? Good.

I'm fine with this and in fact, as you can see from this blog, I've embraced it. When I'm married, I shall be Ms. Broccoli. I shall sign notes that I leave to my new husband by drawing a little picture of a broccoli stalk at the bottom of the sheet. It fits in well with our environmental lifestyle, too, because what says green and healthy better than broccoli?

So welcome to my blog. You'll be able to live vicariously through the chaos as I try to plan 2 different weddings with 2 different religious ceremonies in 2 different provinces to make 2 different families happy. Enjoy!

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